contemplative science




coaching and consulting

powered by integrated leadership, action and mindfulness strategies

Horses are better feedback mechanisms with respect to leadership assessment than any manufactured management tool. It was great learning.
— Keeshia Muhammad, Corporate Senior Director, Altana Pharma
CEO’s must have conventional and unconventional ways of dealing with all this. Coaching with MetaSystem is the best unconventional way to do so; the best way to cope with the harsh world of today and the fragile world of tomorrow.”
— Philippe Bourguignon, Vice Chairman Revolution Resorts
Way outside the box approach to approach organization development; I’ve experienced great results with three totally different teams I’ve led.
— R. Scott Shively Senior Vice President, Pfizer

integrated strategies by


The METASYSTEM programs are based on the understanding of how we learn, advance and impact people and events as leaders, influencers and stewards of our corporations and resources.

By merging mindset, strategy and action in all our training programs, we simultaneously develop the three core attributes of human performance and wellbeing:


how do you LEAD and impact others
how do you step out of the status quo and into empowered ACTion
and how do you MASTER your mind, emotions and wellbeing




a d v a n c e m e n t




t h r o u g h

 e v o l v e d    l e a d e r s h i p


L E A D E R S H I P  strategies


Leadership is at the core of everything we do – especially in challenging situations or when under stress. Conscious leadership is how we influence and impact the way we think, feel, relate, engage, strategize, organize and “imagine” new ideas and concepts into being personally and professionally.

METASYSTEM Leadership Strategies are cutting-edge experiences that target advanced levels of leading people, events and processes.


i n f l u e n c e




t h r o u g h    

 i n f o r m e d    a c t i o n  


A C T I O N  strategies


Action is what you are doing, how you’re doing it and what your motivation is to empower yourself, others and processes. Are you “doing” as the status quo prescribes, or are you and your team engaging and living with all your creative faculties?

METASYSTEM Action Strategies are provocative out-of-the-box learning experiences that draw on guiding individuals and organizations towards mental clarity, stronger action and creative and purpose-driven engagement.


e v o l u t i o n 




  t h r o u g h

m i n d f u l    p r a c t i c e s



M I N D F U L N E S S  strategies


Mindfulness is the state of being acutely awake to our own inner landscape and habitual responses to the outer one.

By gaining greater perspective in the present moment, we can better acknowledge, understand and regulate our feelings and thoughts as well as our responses to the outer realities such as stress, change and challenges.

METASYSTEM Mindfulness Strategies are a deep-dive into the core attitudes and behaviors that determine the quality of our experiences and the impact we have on the world around us.