p a r t n e r s   |   c a t a l y s t s



















L I S A    M U R R E L LR O L E Executive Coach, Trainer, Consultant.F O C U S  Executive Coaching, Coach Certification Training, Equine Assisted Leadership and Personal development Coaching. Keynote Speaker.

L I S A    M U R R E L L

R O L E Executive Coach, Trainer, Consultant.

F O C U S  Executive Coaching, Coach Certification Training, Equine Assisted Leadership and Personal development Coaching. Keynote Speaker.

K A R I N     K E A R N S R O L E  Executive Coach, Trainer, Consultant.F O C U S  Leadership Development, Presentations and Public Speaking, Intercultural Communications, Behavioral Psychology in Business.

K A R I N     K E A R N S

R O L E  Executive Coach, Trainer, Consultant.

F O C U S  Leadership Development, Presentations and Public Speaking, Intercultural Communications, Behavioral Psychology in Business.

P A U L    K W I E C I N S K I R O L E  Consultant, Trainer, Coach.F O C U S  Leadership and Team Development. Keynote Speaker. Events and Team Building though Music

P A U L    K W I E C I N S K I

R O L E  Consultant, Trainer, Coach.

F O C U S  Leadership and Team Development. Keynote Speaker. Events and Team Building though Music

A A R O N    T O L S O NR O L E  Trainer, coach, choreographer.F O C U S  communication, team buildingthrough tap dance.

A A R O N    T O L S O N

R O L E  Trainer, coach, choreographer.

F O C U S  communication, team building
through tap dance.

A N N E T T E R O L E  Coach, Trainer, ConsultantF O C U S


R O L E  Coach, Trainer, Consultant


A N A H I T A    M O G H A D A MR O L E   Executive Coach, Keynote Speaker.F O C U S  Contemplative Science Training, Behavioral Consciousness Keynote Talks, Work-Life-Awareness Synergy.

A N A H I T A    M O G H A D A M

R O L E   Executive Coach, Keynote Speaker.

F O C U S  Contemplative Science Training, Behavioral Consciousness Keynote Talks, Work-Life-Awareness Synergy.

N E I L   B E N F I E L DR O L E  Trainer, ConsultantF O C U S  Negotiations, Communications, Globalization,Cloud Training and Virtual Team Development.

N E I L   B E N F I E L D

R O L E  Trainer, Consultant

F O C U S  Negotiations, Communications, Globalization,
Cloud Training and Virtual Team Development.











